हरि: ॐ
नमस्ते आचार्य:
नमः सर्वेभ्य:
स: वृक्ष:। ऐष: बालक:?
This is tree. Is this a child?
सा युवति। ऐषा सारा?
She is young girl. She is Sara?
स: अध्यापक:। ऐष: विद्यार्थी:?
This is a teacher(male). Is this a student? Male.
तत् पुस्तकम्।ऐतत् फलम्?
That is book. Is this fruit?
तत् पुष्पम्। ऐतत् वस्त्रम्?
That is flower. Is this a cloth?
तत् धूपम्। ऐतत् दीपम्?
That is dhoop. Is this the lamp?