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Samskrita Bharati Courses
Any discussions or clarifications related to courses.
Exercise 01 - Introduce yourself, Sanskrit words
Exercise 04 - Noun forms of pronouns and their usage (Singular, Dual, Plural)
Bhasha Pravesha (Level 1) - Announcements
Exercise 02 - Word Genders and Usage of pronouns
Exercise 03 - Noun forms of Sanskrit Words (प्रथमा-विभक्तिः)
Gita Pravesha 1 - Announcements
Sanskrit for Beginners - Announcements
अभ्यासः ५ - गुणसन्धेः उदाहरणानि - Guna Sandhi Examples
"Online Sanskrit Classes" by Ashok
Question about केन, काभ्यां , कैः, कया, काभिः
अभ्यासः १ - सन्धिकार्यस्य उदाहरणानि कानि ?
Exercise 001 - Introduce yourself and frame simple sentences
कर्मणि शानच्
Exercise 042 Sentences using यः - सः, या - सा, यत् - तत्।
Exercise 005 - Usage of वा, आम्, न and Specifying location- अत्र, कुत्र,.।
Exercise 004 - अस्ति/नास्ति usage and प्रहेलिका।
Exercise 003 - सः/एषः, सा/एषा, तत्/एतत् - Nearer and farther nouns
Exercise 002 - सः, सा, तत् - Pronouns for non-living beings.
Exercise 021 - Usage of यदा-तदा ( When-then)
Gita Pravesha 1 course
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